7.12.9 Travel and traverse motions  
The travel and transverse motions, where power driven, shall be provided with an in service brake, and where limiting devices are provided to control the travel motion, the brake shall be automatically applied by such limits. Where the crane is not cabin-controlled, the brake shall be applied automatically. Where the crane is cabin-controlled, the brake shall be capable of being locked on.  
For outdoor cranes, where automatically applied in service brake or the wheel-to-rail frictional forces, assuming a coefficient of friction between wheel and rail of 0.15, are insufficient to restrain the crane or part of the crane when subjected to out of service forces, e.g., wind forces, then an out of service brake shall be provided. Such brakes shall be automatic for cranes with the dead weight of the structure exceeding 20 t and shall not be applied until the crane is at rest. Where the driving power is transmitted through a hydraulic coupling or other non-positive medium, the brake shall be located on the driven side of such medium. The out of service brake shall be capable of restraining movement assuming a coefficient of friction between wheel and rail of 0.15, or between hardened serrated pads and rail of 0.25.  
Outdoor cranes shall be provided with an out of service brake/anchorage system where the in service brake(s) is insufficient to restrain the crane or part of the crane when subjected to out of service forces, e.g., wind forces. Appropriate Parts of the AS 1418 series may provide detailed requirements for out of service brakes.