English to Persian test  :

 "The Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto District (LDATD) is a chapter of the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) serving the amalgamated City of Toronto. We are a Not for Profit Charity.Learning Disabilities Association is committed to creating a society in which people with LDs are able to achieve the full expression of their intellect and abilities and enabled to contribute in the workplace to their fullest. "


Chinese to Persian test (中文译波斯语试译文) :

“多伦多地区学习障碍协会(Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto District LDATD)是安大略省学习障碍协会(Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario LDAO)的分会,属非营利性慈善组织,为合并后的多伦多大市提供服务。学习障碍协会致力于为患有学习障碍的人士营造一个友好的社会,能让其充分展现才智与能力,并能在工作场所作出最大的贡献。”